Inspiration? Desert or fossil treasure trove?

Where do we find inspiration? Being a prairie gal at heart, I see the land differently than outsiders. It holds so many mysteries and stories.
But I’ve never been one for realistic styles. Or genres. Yes, I wrote for some realistic & some docudrama shows, but I love SF & fantasy. Sometimes I think it was the small town library with its collection of Golden Age SF novels. I re- read several short Andre Norton novels lately. I still loved them but can now see their flaws- and I hate that because they still are shining beacons in my childhood imagination.
Bit by bit your imagination grows and I thank Andrea Norton, Clifford Simak, Asimov, Heinlein and others for creating an imagination of great breadth in my generation of writers.
I’m hoping, in my own talented child, that some of her experiences will help her creativity. In fact, she’s the collage artist for this blog.
We saw Drumheller – one hour south of my home county and she was impressed.
And here’s what a whole Tyrell museum full of dinosaurs can cause a 12 year old ‘director’ to stage after a few hours!
